INfopub web

Web: Automatic Generation of Maps and Timetables
The InfoPub Web system allows the automatic generation of maps and schedules at each different bus stop, or rail station, reducing the production time of these schemes and ensuring the rapid production of consistent and updated information.
InfoPub Web allows the automation of the production of information at the stops, ensuring its suitability to the context in which it is used (the schedules are adapted to the hours of passage at each stop). Timetables and routes are in a single information repository, and the application can automatically generate maps and timetables for each stop, with a layout fully customizable by the client.
The InfoPub Web system consists of a data repository, a module for the centralized management of these data, a module for the establishment of the interface between InfoPub Web and other external systems (e.g. SAE), and two generators of documentation that can be made available digitally or later posted at the stops.

InfoPub focuses on integration with other systems;
In the editing of public information data;
In the fast production of advanced graphic layouts, whose content is dynamically adjusted to the data presented, and adapted to different realities and reference objects (to the network, to the line, to the stop, etc.).
It gathers all the necessary information for the good functioning of the document generators.
Import from external data sources and synchronization with existing data.
Editing of network data, timetables, graphic elements and other relevant elements for the generation of documents (e.g. zoning, intermodal interfaces, exceptional situations, etc.).
Optional export to GTFS format allowing fast display of company network and timetables on Google Maps.
BusMap / Schematic Stop Map Generator
A schematic map is produced showing the lines that pass the reference stop and their route through a set of key points in the network known to the public. The representation of the various routes preserves their geographical orientation. Each map can contain information regarding connections with other means of transportation and average travel times.
BusSched Generator / Timetables at Stop (or at Line)
A document is produced per stop / line, with the bus timetables for the current planning period (by type of day/season of the year).
- These schedules may have flagged situations of temporal or spatial exception.
- Additionally they may also be accompanied by a spine with the representation of the line and its stops with particular emphasis on the reference stop, and with connections to other means of transport.
- And also be complemented with zoning data and average durations over the main sections of the spine.