Making the public space more attractive for people, promoting socializing in the streets, are some of the goals of this project. In this intervention we painted the streets and installed street furniture. We look for each city identity in the execution of each project. In Valongo the visual elements were created using the six municipal brands: the church, the school blackboard, the toy, the Bugios and Mourisqueiros, the Regueifa and the Biscuit, and the Mountains.
A project on logistics, under development with the University of Aveiro, with EU funding, which has the partnership of the Association of Traders of Porto, with STCP, Rangel and Contra-Relógio.
It aims to facilitate parcel deliveries in urban centers, involving stakeholders in the business model.

Uma aplicação móvel que lhe permite viajar em todos os modos de transportes públicos do sistema intermodal ANDANTE, no Porto, de uma forma simples, rápida e conveniente.
Os passageiros fazem um registo e o sistema aplica um algoritmo às suas deslocações, de modo que pague sempre a tarifa que lhe for mais favorável para o seu perfil de deslocações. No final do mês recebe a sua conta de mobilidade em transportes públicos, com base nas viagens efetuadas. Não precisa de se preocupar com a bilhética em vigor.

Quando o passageiro recolhe a sua bagagem em ambos os aeroportos e se prepara para abandonar o local de chegadas, pode consultar em diversos ecrãs a informação em tempo real sobre os possíveis destinos a atingir em transporte público a partir do aeroporto e respetivos horários da oferta intermodal de transportes públicos. Esta disponibilização de informação permite sensibilizar os passageiros para a utilização de modos de transportes mais sustentáveis, numa clara referência às políticas de mobilidade urbana sustentável em prática nestas cidades.
The new MOVE-ME application was implemented for the first time in Beira Baixa region. This mobile App allows access to a diverse and complete set of public transport information considering schedules and the network available. The App assumes a simple and intuitive design focused on the users' needs, and has as main features: Next Departures; Route Calculation; Points of Interest; Timetables and Notifications.
a Transport Network in the Douro intermunicipal comunity
This study defined a DRT network for some municipalities that belong to Douro region. OPT made a deep analysis about supply and demand through the current network operating in the territory - lines and schedules – including the history of validations and ticketing available. An analysis was made of demographic and mobility data that characterized the population and the territory under study, as well as the demand for public transport.
Apanha-Me, in the Municipality of Loulé
OPT worked in the Optimization of the Urban Public Transport offer in municipality of Loulé, the methodology used included conducting and processing population surveys in the three cities. New routes and timetables were proposed. Carrying out framework studies, characterization and diagnosis, construction of prospective service scenarios and economic and financial analysis of the New Network in the Municipality of Loulé in Almancil, Quarteira and Vilamoura.